KIA NORDE / Painting work

Painting work

Body and painting works - fast, cheap, in highest quality!

  • Car polishing, dry-cleaning from 39 Ls*
  • Repair, painting of plastic details from 9 Ls*
  • Painting of sides from 37 Ls*
  • Painting of doors from 41 Ls*
  • Painting of bumper from 49 Ls*
  • Painting of bonnet from 49 Ls*
  • Total body painting

NORDE car service departments – the total area of the painting section is 350 sq.m. There are six places prepared for car painting where a car is prepared for painting work.

There is a new painting camera TERMOMECCANICA installed in the painting area that is equipped for painting with colours based on water. For car painting the newest technologies of colours based on water from GLASURIT factory are used. Painting work is done by professional specialists with a great experience.

The work-hour cost for painting is 15.62 LVL*

NORDE offers to calculate an estimate of repair work for your car free for charge if the car will be repaired at NORDE car service!

Detailed information about painting work: +371 29489231

*Prices has informative character, estimate of particular car will be made individually (prices without VAT 21%)